Domino's App hero image

Domino's App Redesign

Domino's is an international pizza restaurant chain with multiple locations around metropolitan areas. Domino's offers delivery and takeaway options through their app.

Domino's offers many features such as a diverse menu, customizable menu options and frequent meal deals.
February 2023 - March 2023
Mobile Application UI


Domino's' app lacks a clear IA structure, with many menu categories and confusing navigation. Furthermore UI design choices are inconsistent to the company's branding, offering a bland and generic appearance instead.


Reorganize navigation and IA whilst implementing a new and suitable design system.

Create UI with industry-standard methods and practices.
Style Guide
Style guide
Final product


This project was a success in allowing me to fully understand Figma's components and variables, as well as local styles. Fully incorporating these features into my workflow allows me to familiarize myself to industry-standards with Figma, having interactive components and using saved color and text styles for easy styling.

Design-wise this project helped me understand design that does not conform to modern design trends and styles. Heavily leaning into a retro-restaurant theme heavily depended more on bold and square features, rather than sleek, minimal interfaces.